
This site requires the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (IE) or later. To function properly,, must be added to your listed of trusted sites in IE. Click Here for instructions.

Download Files

Select files to download. Select by dragging, using Ctrl and/or Shift. Right click on highlighted file, select "Zip", then "Zip & Download".


Create a New Folder

To add a new folder, right click in the location that you want the new folder, click "New", then "Folder".

Upload Files and Zip Files

To upload new files, right click in the area that you want the files and click "Upload File Here".

In the Upload dialog box, click "Browse" again to select another file.  If you have many files to upload, zip all the files on you local computer, then upload the zip file. To unzip on the server, see the next step.

An uploaded zip file can be unzipped on the server so the individual files are accessible.  To unzip a file, right click on the file, select "Zip" , then "Extract to "folder\"".  The files will be unzipped into a subfolder with the same name as the zip file.


Please Logout when you are finished using the site.  To Logout, right click "Remote Computer", then click "Logout".

Configure Internet Explorer

Click on the "Tools" pull down menu, then "Internet Options...".

Click on the "Security" tab, then on the "Sites..." button.

Add the address noted to the left. Be  sure to uncheck the (https:) box at the bottom.  Click "Close" and "Ok".